Novel & Novella submissions are open from:
January 1st - 31st, 2025
Fast-paced genre stories with a killer hook. If you can give us a premise in one-to-two sentences that makes us want to read more, we likely will!
Give us terrifying. Give us fast-paced. Give us edgy (but not extreme).
Our most ARC-requested titles thus far have been Hiding Lies by Stephanie Rose and Son of a Serial Killer by Andrew Adams.
We are not the best fit for slow-paced, grief-heavy, or contemplative stories.
Genres: Horror, Thriller, Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Length: Novellas (20K-39K) & Novels (40K-80K)
Age Range: Adult
If we wish to publish your story, you control the branding. Of course, we’ll put together the marketing, formatting, and cover design, but if you don’t like it, it’s back to the drawing board.
As a very small press, we can’t offer the same distribution potential as a Big 5 publisher, but what we can offer is availability in any online retailer. We will do our absolute best to ensure people know about your title; however, the reality is that you must be prepared to promote your work as well.
Please consider whether small press publishing is right for you before submitting.
Standard Royalty Split: 70% Publisher/30% Author for Paperback Sales; 50% Publisher/50% Author for eBook Sales
Firstly, we’ve received rejections as well, and we know it’s the toughest part of writing. Please understand that a rejection from us simply means the piece was not a fit for what we’re looking to publish.
Unagented submissions are 100% welcome.
Please send your queries to with the subject line: Query - [(YA or Adult) GENRE], [approximate word count]
Somewhere in the body of your email, please provide a brief synopsis, the first five pages of text, as well as any social media handles you may have.
Please also be sure to list any other published work, whether it was independently published or not (if you take a look at our podcast, you’ll see that we love and support indie authors).
Please DO NOT attach your manuscript or sample pages to the email. Attachments put us at risk of malware and you at risk of your submission going to spam. If we wish to read more, we will follow up with a request for the full manuscript, since at that point we will know you are not a robot.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please do let us know if the work is under review with other publishers when submitting.
We look forward to reading your work!
Will be considered unsolicited submissions and deleted without notification to sender.
Look, we know that queries can take a long time, and we’re not in the buiness of wasting it. Feel free to email us at to ask if it would be worth submitting and we will respond.
We’ll be honest, fewer words means we can get through more submissions, but we’d hate to miss out on a gem. If you have something longer that you feel will knock our socks off, feel free to submit. Just know it may take us a while to get to it.
Gratuitous scenes of torture and sexual abuse